Science-Based Hacks for Improving Your Health

Three healthy meal prep trays of colourful food.

With busy schedules and life demands, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It can also be challenging to decide what health advice to follow, and what will provide you with the most benefit. Rather than making any extreme changes in your lifestyle, try these simple science-based hacks for improving your health! By incorporating these hacks into your routine, you’ll enjoy long-lasting health benefits.

Health Hack 1: Schedule your exercise for the morning

Exercising in the morning is a great way to wake you up for the day. Working out improves your focus and mental abilities, invigorating you for the rest of the day. When you make a habit of exercising in the morning when your day is new, it’s also more likely you’ll stick to your routine. If you exercise later in the day or in the evening, adrenaline and other hormones released during your workout may interrupt your sleep. Because a good night’s sleep is essential for your health, avoid exercising at times that could jeopardize your restfulness.

Health Hack 2: Practice daily meditation

Setting aside a few minutes per day to meditate gives you a wide range of health benefits. Meditation has been scientifically proven to decrease pain and inflammation, boost your immune system, and even improve your brain function. In terms of your mental health, daily mediation also has many emotional benefits. It is effective at decreasing depression, anxiety, and stress. Daily meditation also increases your happiness and positive emotions. If you don’t think you have enough time to meditate daily, you might be surprised! Spending even 20 minutes per day meditating can provide you with all these health benefits, and more.

Health Hack 3: Meal prep for maintaining a healthier diet

Setting aside time each week to plan and prepare healthy meals is a great way to improve your overall health. Since it’s easy to eat and snack on whatever is available when you’re busy, people tend to reach for the most convenient rather than the healthiest options. If you can plan and prepare meals and snacks in advance, it makes sticking to a healthy diet easy. Take some time each week to plan out your healthy meals and snacks, and you’ll avoid fast food or unhealthy choices.

Health Hack 4: Make smoothies to up your intake of fruits and vegetables

Sometimes it can feel daunting to eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables each day. For adults, the recommended amount ranges from 5 to 13 servings. An easy and delicious way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet is to add them to a smoothie. Since smoothies are highly customizable, delicious, and travel well, they are an easy and convenient way to add more nutrients to your diet each day. Try mixing different combinations of brightly coloured produce into your smoothies. It’s a great way to achieve your optimal intake of fruits and vegetables each day.

Health Hack 5: Take cold showers

Though not your typical relaxing shower experience, taking a cold shower can have many health benefits. Showering with cold water increases circulation in your body, and also help your muscles recover and repair after a workout. A cold shower can also increase your alertness and oxygen intake, creating an invigorating experience and helping you wake up and stay energized. Taking cold showers also increases endorphins, which has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression in some individuals. Not ready to give up your hot shower yet? You can try switching back and forth between hot and cold water temperatures. You can also try starting with a short cold shower, and increasing the length as your tolerance grows.

Health Hack 6: Make sure you’re getting enough sleep

The average adult requires 7-9 hours of sleep per night, while teens need 8-10 hours. In addition to the recommended times, it is essential to get an uninterrupted, restful sleep so that your body can relax into a deep sleep. When you can get a solid, quality sleep, it has a noticeable positive impact your immune health. People who don’t get enough quality sleep are more at risk of contracting illness, and have more difficulty recovering from an illness. They are also prone to a pro-inflammatory state which makes you more susceptible to pathogens and infections. Read about sleep and immunity, and tips for getting enough sleep here.

Health Hack 7: Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water each day is an easy way to improve your health. Although the exact amount will vary from person to person, a benchmark is to keep in mind the common advice to drink eight glasses per day. You may need more than this to stay hydrated if you exercise and sweat on a regular basis.

When you’re properly hydrated, your energy levels and concentration will be greatly improved. Studies have shown that even a small dip in hydration levels can affect brain function in a negative way. Because of the relationship between hydration and your brain, you can also avoid headaches by staying well hydrated each day. In fact, having a headache is one of the most common symptoms of dehydration. An added health benefit of staying hydrated is that your digestion system will function more better, and you can avoid constipation.

Health Hack 8: Try a digital detox

A digital detox refers to a period of time where you don’t use electronic devices: computers, smart phones, video games, or TV. Although some people now rely on digital devices for work and other day-to-day life, overuse can also cause health issues including stress, sleep interruption, and strain on your mental health. It’s easy to develop a habit of checking texts, social media, and other distractions without even realize you’re doing it! Mindfully spending time without these distractions lowers stress levels, benefits your mental health, and can also improve your sleep quality.

If you’re considering a digital detox but can’t be away from devices for long because of work and life demands, start small. Try putting your devices in a different room and spend an hour on other activities. You’ll likely find yourself being more present and connected, less stressed, and better able to manage your work-life balance.

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